Service Updates Archives - Recology
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Food scraps can be placed loose in your green organics cart. It’s ok if the food scraps are placed in a brown paper bag prior to putting into your green organics cart. Please do not place the food scraps in a plastic bag. Please call customer service at 831-636-7500 or visit our website for more information and […]

Residents may schedule up to two (2) free Bulky Item pick-ups per year at no additional cost. Up to two (2) cubic yards of Reusable Materials, up to five (5) E-Waste items, and up to two (2) Appliances or Bulky Items. Appliances with Freon count as two (2) Bulky Items. Contact Recology Customer Service at (831) […]

Recycling collected will be delivered to the Monterey Regional Waste Management District in Marina which has a Materials Recovery Facility where recyclables will be sorted and shipped to different markets for processing. Organics will be transported to the South Valley Organics composting facility off Highway 152 near Gilroy where it will be composted, and the […]

We are asking customers to use their carts as efficiently as possible such as flattening cardboard and large plastic containers which may eliminate the need for an additional cart. You also have the option to set-out extra recyclables in a clear plastic bag and tie and bundle (no larger than 3’x3’) large cardboard. These items […]

Rates for 20-gallon garbage carts were set low when they were introduced 10 years ago to incentivize residents to take up the practice of recycling.  The current rates more accurately reflect the actual cost of providing the collection service and continue to be the lowest cost rates.

Single family residences are required by their Municipal Code to subscribe to weekly garbage collection service that is sufficient to prevent accumulation or litter.  The cost of the recycling and organics cart is included in your monthly rate.  You will be provided a blue recycling cart and green organics cart. You are not required to […]

Recology’s customer service representatives have been trained to help you identify ways to right-size your service levels to reduce your garbage bill.  The actual garbage rates have also been structured so that as you reduce your service level (e.g., reduce your garbage cart size from 64-gallon to 32-gallon or from 32-gallon to 20-gallon) your rate […]

You will be receiving new carts for garbage, recycling and organics collection services. Your old carts will be removed and replaced with new ones in September or October. New carts and bins will also be placed for businesses. All new trucks will arrive sometime next year. These new trucks will be fueled by renewable diesel […]

State requirements, notably SB 1383 (see, require significant reductions in the amount of organic waste that is disposed of. Implementing weekly organics collection services for all residents and businesses is the most cost-effective way for the County, Hollister and San Juan Bautista to meet these state requirements. Studies have shown that more than 30% […]

Yes, both the monthly HHW events and the quarterly recycle days at the landfill will continue. Other frequently used services will continue including: Curbside used battery recycling Curbside used motor oil and oil filter recycling Curbside collection of textiles (clean and dry item such as cotton and denim clothing) Holiday (Christmas) tree collection