Seattle Residents are invited to drop off items for recycling and reuse at this free Community Reuse & Recycling event!
Where: 12509 27th Ave NE
When: Saturday, June12th 9:00am-1:00pm
When: Saturday, June12th 9:00am-1:00pm
- StyrofoamTM (clean & dry – remove labels & tape)
- Household Batteries (no leaking or broken; tape ends)
- Fluorescent tubes and bulbs (no broken bulbs; limit 4 ft)
- Small Electronics (TVs, computers, etc.)
- Small Appliances (non-Freon)
- Clothing & linens (any condition, must be clean & dry)
- Furniture & household goods (good condition – for reuse)
- Paper for shredding (limit; 4 boxes)
Broken Furniture/Household goods
Non-Recyclable/Reusable items
Garbage or Yard Waste
Commercial Loads
Construction Waste
Car Seats
Automotive Waste
Hazardous Waste
Latex Paint
Service is provided on a first come, first serve basis. Trucks will leave when full. We reserve the right to refuse oversized, contaminated, or commercial loads.
COVID-19 Precautions: Masks required, stay in your vehicle until directed, and maintain at least 6 ft of space from others. For more information on disposal of non-accepted items, visit: www.seattle.gov/Utilities/WhereDoesItGo.