Recology offers a residential curbside Special Item Recycling program for items that that are not accepted inside your recycling container and are hard to properly dispose of otherwise.
Curbside Set-Out Instructions: Place items on top of, or next to your blue recycling cart on collection day. Service for special item recycling collection must be requested by the bill payer on record.
Fluorescent Tubes & Bulbs
Fluorescent lights contain small amounts of hazardous substances and must be recycled separately from all other recyclables. Please DO NOT put them inside your recycling cart.
Fluorescent Tubes
Please follow the instructions below:
- Limit 2 per collection, 10 per year
- Tubes must be no more than 4ft long and completely wrapped in newspaper and taped shut in order to be collected
- Please place in a plastic bag next to your recycling cart on your collection day
- Thank you for keeping our drivers safe
Fluorescent Bulbs
Please follow the instructions below:
- Limit 2 per collection, 10 per year
- CFL bulbs must be sealed inside a Ziploc-style bag
- Please tape the bag to the top of your recycling cart on your collection day
- Thank you for keeping our drivers safe
Motor Oil & Cooking Oil
- Separate motor and cooking oil into different containers and remove any contaminants
- Sealed in a leak-free, clear plastic jugs with screw-top lids
- Labeled with name and address
- Limit: 3 gallons per collection per type of oil
Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) blocks, such as picnic coolers and packaging used to protect new appliances should have all stickers and labels removed and be secured inside clear plastic bags.
“Insta-Paks” or Styrofoam™ packing peanuts not accepted.
Limit 32 gallons per drop-off

Acceptable items include dry, clean clothing and household textiles (sheets, towels, table cloths, etc.) Place items in clear plastic bag.
Small Appliances & Electronics
- Appliances must be smaller than 2x2x2 feet and weigh less than 35 lbs
- Please place on top of your recycling cart on your collection day
- Please be sure to tape the ends of all button and alkaline batteries with clear packing tape before placing in a clear plastic bag
- Bag rechargeable and non-rechargeable batteries separately
- Place bags on top of your recycling cart on your collection day
- No loose batteries, and no vehicle/marine batteries accepted
Propane Canisters
- Canisters must be empty, small, disposable, camping-style propane cylinders.
- Propane tanks not accepted