Whether you are a Mountain View business owner, property manager, or resident, we work with you to tailor compost, recycling, and trash programs based on your needs.
Wondering what goes where?

Effective January 2022, all single-family, multi-family, and commercial properties are required to collect compostable items separately. As of July 2017, all curbside yard trimmings carts are being serviced as compost carts, which are for food scraps, food-soiled paper, and yard trimmings. Commercial customers can place all of these compostables in their compost cart or bin. Watch out for plastic-like items that read “compostable,” which belong in the trash.

Clean cardboard and paper recyclables are separated from containers recyclables (like plastic bottles, tubs and jugs, glass bottles and jars, aluminum cans, tin cans, and foil), which are accepted in residential recycling carts. All of these recyclable materials are accepted together in mixed recycling bins at commercial businesses. Commercial businesses and multi-family residential properties may also have Cardboard-Only recycling bins.

What is trash? Not much! Styrofoam, thin plastics (bags and saran wrap), latex gloves, pet waste, diapers, ceramics, and broken glass to name a few. Hazardous items cannot go in the trash and must be disposed of properly- visit HHW.org for more information.
CONTACT US to sign up or change your service.
Extra trash? See what disposal options are available.
Drop off materials and learn more about disposal rates at the Mountain View Recycling Center.